Glycyrrhiza glabra,
is a purple and white flowering perennial, native of the Mediterranean region
and central and southwest Asia. It is cultivated widely for the sweet taproot
that grows to a depth of four feet (1.2 m). Liquorice is a hardy plant that
thrives in full sun or partial shade and prefers rich, moist soil. It may
grow to a height of 3-7 ft (1-2 m).
The aerial parts of the plant are erect and branched, with round stems that
become somewhat angular near the top. The leaves are alternate, odd, and pinnate,
dividing into as many as eight pairs of oblong leaflets.
Liquorice blossoms in late summer. The sweet-pea like flowers grow in clusters
and are small, bluish-purple in color and have long peduncles. They are papilionaceous,
arranged in axillary and erect spikes. Fruit is a smooth, compressed, one-celled
legume, bearing up to four kidney-shaped seeds.
The root is perennial, round, long and straight, tough and fibrous. It is
grayish outside and yellowish within. It is sweet to taste. And its most desirable
virtues lie inside of the cortical. In India, it is cultivated widely in Punjab
and the sub-Himalayan tracts. Dried liquorice roots are available in all Indian
bazaars.Hippocrates named the herb glukos riza, or sweet root. Several species
of this member of the Leguminosae, or pea family, are used medicinally. The
British adopted the spelling liquorice from the Latin liquiritia and the German
name has a similar meaning (süß sweet and Holz wood).
The same holds for the Sanskrit name yashti , meaning stem, stalk; and
madhu, meaning sweet. The Latin species name glaber meaning hairless
refers to the leaves, to distinguish from some related species having hairy
At all times, liquorice was used less as a spice than as a medicine. Its use
against the diseases of the upper respiratory tract dates back to ancient
Egypt. The main part of the plant used in medicine is the root. This root
is a demulcent and gentle relaxant, soothing to mucous irritations, and valued
chiefly for its sweet taste and in masking the sharpness / pungency / taste
of other remedies.
Ayurveda recommends the root as beneficial in the treatment of coughs, colds,
and other bronchial irritations. The root may be chewed as throat lozenges;
or prepared as infusions by removing the outer bark and boiling for several
minutes, to relieve hoarseness and coughs. During Charakas period, it
was popular among singers as a lozenge.Liquorice is used mainly as a spice
in many countries. Frequently used spices termed sweet like anise,
fennel and star anise cannot match the sweetness of liquorice. There are many
components in liquorice, but the most active is glycyrrhizin. The root, especially
the root bark, contains about 4% glycyrrhizin, potassium or calcium salt of
glycyrrhizinic acid. Glycyrrhizin is about 50 times sweeter than cane sugar.
Its action is similar to hormones produced in the adrenal cortex, especially
desoxycorticosterone (DOCA). Glycyrrhizin is changed in the liver to glycyrrhetinic
acid. Both these compounds promote the activation of interferon, a potent,
naturally produced antiviral compound. Once interferon is activated, white
blood cells are also called into play along with killer T.cells to help fight
against cold viruses and herpes simplex.
Some antibacterial effects that are exhibited are due more to the flavonoids
contained, than glycyrrhizin. Other components present are saponins, coumarins,
sterols, choline, triterpenoids, lignins, amino acids including asparagine,
gums, biotin, folic acid, inositol, lecithin, estrogenic substances, pantothenic
acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, phosphorous, pentacyclic terpenes, protein,
sugar, a yellow dye, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and E. Perhaps this is the
reason for the broad range of effects liquorice has on the body. Liquorice
contains only traces of essential oil; constituents identified include bicyclic
monterpenoid ketones (fenchone, thujone) and coumarins (herniarin, umbelliferone).There
are two types of liquorice, standard liquorice and de-glycyrrhizinated
liquorice (DGL). Each type is suitable for different conditions. When glycyrrhizin
is removed from liquorice, the product is called deglycyrrhizinated liquorice
or DGL. This product is especially useful in treating ulcers of the digestive
tract because of the flavonoids, which are not harmed by the removal of glycyrrhizin.
For respiratory infections, chronic fatigue syndrome or herpes (topical),
the standard liquorice containing glycyrrhizin should be used. Liquorice root
powder can be used in the amount of 56 grams per day. Concentrated extracts
may be used in the amount of 250500 mg three times a day. Alternatively,
a tea can be made by boiling 1/2 ounce of root in 1 pint of water for fifteen
minutes, drinking two to three cups of this per day.
Liquorice root, particularly deglycyrrhized liquorice, can be a useful adjunct
to antibiotic treatment because it accelerates the healing of the stomach
lining. Deglycyrrhized liquorice root (DGL) and glutamine have been used to
get people off antacids, H2 blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI).In test
tubes, the flavonoids have been known to kill Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria
that cause most ulcers and inflammations of the stomach. Besides treating
ulcers along the digestive tract, including the mouth, liquorice may be used
for viral infections like a cold, inflammation as in arthritis, menstrual
and menopause disorders, herpes, eczema and psoriasis, allergic disorders,
asthma, chronic fatigue, depression due to hormonal imbalance, emphysema,
and hypoglycemia.
Ayurveda recommends liquorice as an effective expectorant, helping to liquefy
mucus and facilitate its discharge from the body. In large doses it is a good
emetic for cleansing the lungs and stomach from excess Kapha. It is a mild
laxative, which soothes and tones the mucous membranes. For colds and respiratory
affliction, it can be combined with fresh ginger.
The expectorant effect of liquorice benefits people suffering from asthma
or chest colds with tight coughs or difficult breathing. Liquorice tea is
pleasant tasting and needs no added sugar. It can be made by simmering a few
pieces of the root in a pint of water for 15-20 minutes. The root may be reused
2 or 3 times before new pieces are needed.Powdered liquorice is also considered
by Ayurvedic medicine as an excellent remedy for hyperacidity, and clinical
tests prove that it is good for relieving pain, discomfort and other symptoms
caused by acid matter in the stomach. It removes the irritating effects of
acids in a better way than alkalis.
Furthermore, liquiritin, a flavonoid glycoside has been identified has the
aglycon liquiritigenin and is spontaneously formed when the root is dried.
This is responsible for the spasmolytic effects of liquorice.
Vatsayana, Kama Sutra recommends equal quantities of clarified butter, honey,
sugar and liquorice be mixed with fennel-juice and milk to stimulate sexual
vigor, and as a preservative of life.
Liquorice is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
This is due to the effect it has on the adrenal glands that are responsible
for producing cortisol, the bodys own natural corticosteroid. Glycyrrhizin
inhibits prostaglandin production, another component of the inflammatory process.Glycyrrhizin
also exhibits adapto-genic properties by stimulating cortisol production when
there is not enough and promoting the breakdown of cortisol when there is
too much. Because of this, liquorice is useful to take after stopping prescription
of corticosteroids to boost the natural production of cortisol.
Another adaptogenic effect from liquorice involves estrogen. Liquorice shows
mild estrogenic properties similar to other phytoestrogens. It has the ability
to promote estrogen production and to interfere with the effects of too much
estrogen, especially from external sources. The flavonoid constituents are
thought to be responsible for the estrogen-like effects, while glycyrrhetinic
acid antagonizes estrogen where there is over-stimulation of estrogen receptors
in the body. All this makes liquorice useful in controlling the menstrual
cycle and in relieving PMS and menopausal symptoms.
One of the drawbacks of liquorice is that it may cause peripheral edema (fluid
retention) due to the retention of sodium with a loss of potassium, which
disappears when liquorice is stopped. This can cause high blood pressure.
But for people with Addisons disease, however, this is exactly the type
of effect needed. In Addisons disease, the body collects sodium and
promotes water loss leading to a serious imbalance of sodium, potassium, and
other minerals and water.Long-term (more than two to three weeks) intake of
products containing more than 1 gram of glycyrrhizin, i.e., the amount contained
in approximately 10 grams of root, daily is the usual amount required to cause
these effects.
Consumption of 7 grams liquorice, which approximately contains 500 mg glycyrrhizin,
per day for seven days, has been shown to decrease serum testosterone levels
in healthy men by blocking enzymes needed to synthesize testosterone. As a
result of these possible side effects, long-term intake of high levels of
glycyrrhizin is discouraged, and should only be undertaken if prescribed by
a qualified healthcare professional. Consumption of plenty of fresh fruits
and vegetables to increase potassium intake is recommended to help decrease
the chance of side effects.
Liquorice is contraindicated in pregnant women as well as in people with liver
and kidney disorders. De-glycyrrhizinated liquorice extracts do not cause
these side effects because there is no glycyrrhizin in them. [Top]